Your Parish Council

The Julian of Norwich Parish Council is a representative body. Each council member ministers to the entire parish community. Thus, the council represents, in a holistic sense, all the demographics of a parish; old and young, men and women, laity, clergy and religious people with divergent viewpoints, experiences and ethnic/cultural backgrounds.

We work together in an atmosphere and spirit of trust and openness, merging our expertise, insights and experiences to further the mission of Christ among all people of the community.

To best serve our community, we would appreciate any feedback you may be willing to offer.

Regulation R.5.06

Anglican Diocese of Ottawa

The rights, powers and duties of the Council shall be:
a) to take appropriate action in connection with matters referred to it by the Vestry
and in accordance with directions received relating thereto;
b) to assist Incumbents in the development of policy for and support of the work of Christian education in the congregation;
c) to receive from the Churchwardens at least quarterly a written financial statement and to make recommendations thereon;
d) to receive the budget to be submitted at the annual meeting of the Vestry as prepared, after consultation with the Incumbent, by the Churchwardens, and to make recommendations thereon;
e) to make recommendations on any other matter affecting the parochial and extra-parochial responsibilities of the Parish;
f) to assist the Sidespersons [1] in securing the regular attendance of Church members at the services of the Church;
g) between meetings of the Vestry and subject to any applicable Statutes of Ontario and Quebec and the provisions of the Canons, Bylaws and Regulations, to have all the rights, powers and duties of the Vestry.
[1] Service Assistants at Julian of Norwich

The Parish Council Team

Leadership Team

Chair – The Reverend Karen McBride

The Reverend Deacon Elizabeth December-Lovell

Rector’s Warden – Jillian Gauthier

People’s Warden – Eric Driscoll

Deputy Warden – Sandy Holmes

Lay Synod Delegates


Jillian Gauthier (ex officio)


Paulette Barker

Derek Yuen

David Dow

Sue Dow

Lorielle Burch

Leadership Team

Chair – The Reverend Karen McBride

The Reverend Deacon Elizabeth December-Lovell

Rector’s Warden – Jillian Gauthier

People’s Warden – Eric Driscoll

Deputy Warden – Sandy Holmes

Lay Synod Delegates


Jillian Gauthier (ex officio)


Paulette Barker

Derek Yuen

David Dow

Susan Dow

Lorielle Burch

Parish Council Minutes

Your Feedback

Your Questions or Comments

To help us better serve you, please do not hesitate to reach out to the Wardens and/or the clergy.