Pastoral Care
Jesus calls all of us to care for and be present to others. Pastoral Care is a ministry of presence, based on faith and prayer, to provide support and love to anyone in need. The role of those involved in Pastoral Care is to be present and available to support people in times of sickness or joy, in sorrow or celebration, in crisis or transition.
Pastoral Care can be provided by anyone with a listening heart who is willing to set their self aside to support anyone who needs a friend or a listening ear. Pastoral Care is a journey shared by two people and the journey is equally significant in the lives of both travellers. A parish Pastoral Care Team, led by the clergy, is dedicated to this ministry and is available to listen, to pray, to share, and to be a friend. The team responds to Christ’s call to minister not only to members of the parish, but also to our neighbours.
At Julian of Norwich, Pastoral Care is carried out by:
- The Rev. Deacon Elizabeth December-Lovell and the presiding incumbent
- Our Pastoral Care Team and other members of the congregation
If you feel any situation or person could be helped by the Pastoral Care Team, please contact the clergy or the Church Office at 613-224-7178.
The Pastoral Care Team participates in these regular activities:
- Visiting those who cannot leave the home, as well as anyone who is facing challenges and needs support
- Visiting residents at surrounding Long Term Care Facilities and others
- Visiting parishioners at hospitals and other facilities
- Helping with a monthly service of Holy Communion at local retirement and long-term care communities
- Assisting with Holy Communion at the Ottawa Civic Hospital
Pastoral Care Team:
Our team of support is comprised of members of the church. Team members are invited to take a ten-week (2½ hours per week) training course, where they further develop their listening skills, their ability to respond pastorally when a crisis arises, and the importance of maintaining confidentiality. Ongoing training programs offer opportunities for further development in the ministry of care.
The Coordinating Committee meets once a month (except July and August) for mutual support, sharing and learning. If you wish to be part of the Pastoral Care ministry at Julian of Norwich, please contact the Rev. Deacon Elizabeth at