Summer Worship Schedule

We are so pleased that you have considered to worship God with us.

Every week, we come together to offer prayers, express gratitude to God, and partake in the Holy Eucharist following the Anglican tradition. If you’re a first-time visitor, you can easily follow the proceedings via the overhead projection, or simply immerse yourself in this sacred moment.

As a united worshiping community, we support one another, and if you’re uncertain about any aspect, you’ll be seated with individuals ready to assist you. Everyone is invited to join in the Eucharist, and if you require a gluten-free wafer, please feel free to request one. It’s important to note that full communion is recognized whether or not you choose to receive the wine from the chalice. If preferred, you can also ask for a blessing instead. All are welcome.

Holy Eucharist – Sunday Mornings at 9:00 a.m. (Online, By Phone and In-person)

A joy-filled and intergenerational service sourced from the Book of Alternative Services. The Order of Service is distributed via email the Friday before each service. The music varies week over week, ranging from a small choir supported by guitars or keyboard and string instruments. On certain occasions there is a larger choir. Once a month refreshments are served at the back of the sanctuary. *** Children are very welcome at all of the services ***