Prayer at Julian of Norwich Anglican Church

Prayer at Julian

Christians are encouraged to be “People of Prayer,” connecting with God through prayers:
Adoration: Prayer expressing love and adoration for who God is.
Thanksgiving: Prayer of thankfulness for what God does.
Confession: Prayer acknowledging our imperfection, and asking God’s forgiveness.
Intercession: Prayer for others who are in need of healing of body, mind and spirit.
Petition: Prayer for ourselves.
You are welcome to ask anyone in the congregation to pray with and for you at any time.

Prayers of the People

Most worship services include a time to offer prayers. These opportunities are called the “Prayers of the People” or “Intercessions,” which are usually led by members of the congregation. You are invited to write your request in a Prayer Request binder, located near the entrance to the sanctuary, behind the back pew. The binder includes a loose leaf sheet for each Sunday, with spaces under a few headings to enter names or situations that you wish to include in the Prayers of the People. This sheet is provided to the prayer leader who will include your requests in the prayers they offer during the service.

Confidential Prayer Chain

Julian of Norwich has a dedicated group of people who pray in confidence for those who are ill, in distress, or otherwise in need of prayer. If you wish to have prayer for yourself or someone you know, please fill in the Prayer Request form.

Prayer Request Form

The form, in paper format, may be found in a Prayer Box on the table at the back of the church.
Place the completed request back in the box, where it will be retrieved by a member of the Prayer Chain.
Alternatively, you may give your request to a member of the clergy.
Please note the date of your request. Prayer for each request will continue for one month, unless otherwise indicated.

Christian Meditation

A group meets via ZOOM for Christian meditation Monday afternoons from 3 to 4 p.m. *** Second and fourth Mondays in July and August ***. These sessions are open to anyone who wishes to spend time in silent prayer, with instructions provided for newcomers.

The group is coordinated by Julian of Norwich parishioners, but also includes people from other denominations. During each session, a discussion video by a Christian Meditation leader is followed by a period of silent reflection. The session concludes with questions and discussion.

For more information, contact Gayle Ascah (613-226-8161) or Marg Dumbrille (613-225-0806).

Online Prayer Time

All are invited to join an on-line (Zoom) corporate prayer, hosted by Licensed Lay Reader Paul Dumbrille. There will be time for silent and spoken prayer.

Every Tuesday morning at 10:00 a.m. (*** First Tuesday in July and August ***)

Participants are invited to bring their own community and personal prayer concerns and requests to the gathering, as well as any questions about prayer they may have.

If you would like to receive a Zoom invitation, or more information / answers to questions, please contact Paul via email:

Bible Curiosi-Tea

A small group meet over Zoom every Friday at 10 a.m. to discuss the readings for the coming Sunday. *** No meetings in July and August ***

It is a great conversation with diverse thoughts and opinions.

You are invited to join others at a faith enriching study of the Gospel from the comfort of your own home.

All are welcome and no experience is needed.

If you would like to join this group, please email the coordinator: Pam Middleton

Prayer Resources

The Anglican Fellowship of Prayer

The Anglican Fellowship of Prayer (Canada) exists to encourage and enable the ministry of prayer in Canada. It is inclusive of all forms of expressions of Christian church life, whether they be lay or clerical, catholic or evangelical, monastic or secular, formal or informal.

AFP (Canada) seeks to be a teaching resource to assist both individuals and congregations to grow in the life of prayer. It seeks to increase and strengthen the companionship of Christian prayer throughout the world.

You may choose to view their comprehensive Prayer Resources.

Let Us Pray

The AFP Prayer

Lord Jesus, give to your church a renewed desire to pray, that together we may know your will, be filled with your love, and experience your grace and power, for the healing of your world, to your glory. AMEN

Every third Monday, from September to June, The Anglican Fellowship of Prayer hosts a series of video sessions that feature speakers from across the Anglican Church.

For those who are unable to attend the live sessions, or for those who simply want to watch any of the sessions a second time, the AFP will be posting the videos on YouTube approximately one week after the live session(s).

Links to these recorded sessions will be posted here for all to view and share.

June 2023:Primate Linda Nicholls shares her perspective on the different aspects of prayer in her life and ministry.
Aspects of Prayer in Life and Ministry

May 2023:Bishop Riscylla Shaw is a suffragan bishop in the Diocese of Toronto. With Métis family roots, Bishop Riscylla grew up on a small farm, learning from the land. She attended the University of Toronto, where she completed undergraduate studies in French and the humanities and earned a Master of Divinity from Wycliffe College in 1999. Following a few years of youth ministry, she was ordained deacon and then priest in 2001. She lived and served in the parishes of Maple, Minden-Kinmount and Bolton, all in the Diocese of Toronto.
Unable to attend the May Let Us Pray session, as she was attending a funeral, the bishop kindly prepared a video:
Praying in a New Heaven and a New Earth

April 2023:Dr. Michael Harvey on the ACORN Program – Michael Harvey joined us from England to share his prayer program of invitation, ACORN. The ACORN program is a small group process that supports and encourages folks to view their prayer as becoming aware of God’s nudges to reach out. By following these nudges we are extending the presence of God in the world, transforming both ourselves and others as we extend care and compassion:
The Acorn Program

March 2023: Former Primate Fred Hiltz joined the Lent session to speak about St. Cuthbert, an Irish abbot and missionary evangelist who founded the important abbey on Iona, which became a dominant religious and political institution in the region for centuries:
St Cuthbert

June 2022:Archbishop Anne Germond, Archbishop of the Dioceses of Algoma and Moosonee; Metropolitan of the Ecclesiastical Province of Ontario,
Praying With Icons

Contact Info

Mailing Address: 8 Withrow Avenue, Ottawa, ON K2G-2H6
Main Entrance: 7 Rossland Avenue (at Merivale Road)
Phone: 613-224-7178

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Summer Services

July and August: Holy Eucharist at 9:00 am
In-Person, On-Line and By Phone


Julian of Norwich Anglican Church acknowledges the location of its worship and community space on the traditional, unceded territories of the Algonquin nation.


Julian of Norwich Anglican Church is fully wheelchair accessible, via the main church entrance (7 Rossland Avenue), as well as via the hall entrance (located east of the main church entrance).