Altar Guild
Lay Assistant
Choir & Music
Service Assistant
Lay Reader
Volunteer During Worship
Everyone is welcome to participate regularly in worship services.
Please speak with the identified contacts if you wish to volunteer for any of the following worship activities.
Altar Guild
THE ALTAR GUILD looks after supplies and linen for worship services, and prepares the vessels for midweek and Sunday services.Contact Sue Dow at seddow236@gmail.com
Choir and Music
The CHOIR sings at the 10 a.m. Sunday Service, on special occasions, and during weddings and funerals held in the main sanctuary. The choir is accompanied by organ/piano, guitars and other instruments. Choir practices at 7 p.m. on Wednesdays, or as required, one hour before the service or special occasion. Contact the music coordinator, samuel.kc.lee2@gmail.com, if you would like to join the choir.
The greeter is the first person a visitor / parishioner sees as they enter the sanctuary. People who love interacting with others make for perfect greeters. Contact the clergy if you would like to be a greeter.
INTERCESSORS lead the Prayers of the People at Sunday services. Contact Paul Dumbrille at paul.dumbrille@sympatico.ca to sign-up as an intercessor.
Lay Assistants
LAY ASSISTANTS assist in administering the bread and wine at Holy Communion. Contact the clergy if you would like to join the team.
Lay Readers
LAY READERS read the Scriptures at Sunday services. Contact Paul Dumbrille at paul.dumbrille@sympatico.ca
SERVERS assist the clergy in preparing and cleaning the altar before and after Holy Communion during Sunday services. Contact the clergy if you would like to become a server.
Service Assistants
The Service Assistants play a key role in helping the service
run smoothly. They assist the intercessors by making certain that the prayer list is positioned on the lecturn prior to the reading of the Prayers of the People and ensure that key information is recorded for annual parish reporting, such as attendance and financial offerings.
To facilitate a comfortable environment, they manage the opening and closing of windows as necessary, adjust fan speeds and lighting.
Contact the clergy if you would like to be a service assistant.